Monday, August 20, 2018

 Plant-based VS Animal-based Proteins.

In a Nutshell..."Pun Intended"

It is OK to use Plant Proteins instead of Animal Proteins.

  The Essential Amino Acids – Eat your Plants!
     by Marco Dydo

Okay, so here we are, once again looking at some basic science to answer questions about nutrition. 

Lately, several erroneous comments and declarations have been made on the Internet in regard to Protein ingestion. 

They are saying that you can only receive a “complete protein” from Animal sources. 

Some have gone as far as to say that, “Plant Sources are unhealthy” 

…Yeah, I know, just more Mis- and Dis- Information propagated by our trusted, good-friends at the USDA & FDA, through the lobbying efforts of the Meat and Dairy industry.

So, let’s start with last-things … First!  

Plant based proteins are far superior for your overall health in comparison to Animal based proteins. 

And... you absolutely can get a “Complete Protein” from a Plant based diet. 

Anyone who tells you that we “have to” eat meat … is simply part of the grand deception.

So, download and read this paper if you want a bit more detail in regard to Plant Based Essential Amino Acids.


And as always ... Don't forget to breathe! 

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